Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Like the moon set free from a cloud...

Who once was heedless,
but later is not,
brightens the world
like the moon set free from a cloud.

His evil-done deed
is replaced with skillfulness:
he brightens the world
like the moon set free from a cloud.
Greed, hatred and delusion are the root of unwholesome (unskillful) deeds. What are the unwholesome (unskillful) deeds?
1. Killing living beings
2. Taking what is not given
3. Misconduct in sensual pleasures
4. False speech
5. Malicious speech
6. Harsh speech
7. Gossip
8. Covetousness
9. Ill will
10. Wrong view
-Sammaditthi Sutta (see labels)

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